What can we do for you?
Motrada creates custom platforms according to your requirements. We have a vast number of possibilities to adapt the platform, reproduce and optimize your existing process.
Your key-advantages with a Motrada platform:
=>  automated communication emails (bid received /                 accepted / declined etc.)
         =>  data interfaces to get vehicle data directly onto the                 platform (from your system or from your expert)
         =>  large amount of buyers thanks to the possibilities of                 the internet
         =>  data interfaces to get vehicle data directly onto the                 platform (from your system or from your expert)
         =>  large amount of buyers thanks to the possibilities of                 the internet
        =>  Choose the buyers you want to cooperate with, thanks                  to a special registration process
         =>  know about the user activity and sale success on the                 platform thanks to our monthly statistic reports
         =>  Every mouse click, login and received bid is registered                 and logged in the system
         =>  Assign different authority levels to your employees -                 you have complete control
         =>  know about the user activity and sale success on the                 platform thanks to our monthly statistic reports
         =>  Every mouse click, login and received bid is registered                 and logged in the system
         =>  Assign different authority levels to your employees -                 you have complete control
=>  Adapt the platform to your Corporate Identity: your logo,                 your design, your CI
         =>  define your sale process - which object is offered to                 which buyer at what price, with several sale types                 (Auction, Buy-It-Now, Open Offer, Direct Sale and Reverse
         =>  Adapt the platform to your needs in every aspect:                 categorize your buyers into groups, build Buyer Groups;                 sell two or more objects at once with vehicle packages; ...
         =>  define your sale process - which object is offered to                 which buyer at what price, with several sale types                 (Auction, Buy-It-Now, Open Offer, Direct Sale and Reverse
         =>  Adapt the platform to your needs in every aspect:                 categorize your buyers into groups, build Buyer Groups;                 sell two or more objects at once with vehicle packages; ...